
Wife: Honey! help me open this jar.
Husband(Developer): Install Java and open jar.

  • 1
    Ahem. It's jar -xvf <name of jar>. Jar .
  • 1
    HeHe 😀
  • 1
    Wife abuse! A loving husband would never inflict such torture on his wife.
  • 0
    @devios1 they are sarcasm
  • 0
    @ddpanku no sarcasm is meant to be funny, but this meme is not funny as it makes me want to set my petrol soaked bed on fire while in it and lie there. I might find that funny because my heads broken, but do you? No? SO THIS MEME IS SHIT.
  • 0
    Technically, opening the .jar would be done using any program that can read zip files. Running the .jar would be done by the Java executable.
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