I spent some time trying out other languages, and did some other stuff away from java over the summer, and now refreshing my memory on Java for school is the worst. I'll forget to add a semicolon at least a third of the time.

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    What's Java?
  • 2
    @isaacWeisberg you've asked this question before
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    @Sydochen oh god it's you again :DDD
    Still haven't heard of it)
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    @isaacWeisberg are you seriously not joking? Like tf, how can you even use devRant and not know what Java is? Not to mention, Android is listed in your skills, and only until recently Java was the only official language for Android.
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    @Sydochen oh course I am joking
    Once again, as a former .NET developer, it's a habit of making fun of Java. Not anymore I am, I am an iOS dev at work and full-stack Node/React developer at home, but Java still sucks dick for me
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