
Told someone I'm working on an 0Auth server/library.

*but that already works/exists, why re-invent the weel?*

Because although it indeed already exists/works, I'd rather re-invent the weel and also throughout the process learn how it works in depth than just using an implementation and not learning much new (when I've got time, of course)!

  • 16
    Why reinvent the wheel? the most annoying question on earth, how the fuck are we supposed to improve/build on something when we don't know how it works!
  • 4
    I always try reinventing the wheel on my spare time to learn more about the inner workings of things. At work tho, not so much - I barely get enough time to slam on an existing wheel, let alone ensure it's compatible with my car or that it's even circular before the deadline is expired!
  • 2
    I'd do the same, but before launching to production I'd go with standard implementation.
  • 1
    I always try to get someone else to pay for me reinventing the wheel :)
  • 1
    I still think that by "reinventing the wheel" we learn a lot, but I'd never use my reinvention in production or professional projects.
  • 2
    That's why an HTTP library is on my list as a web dev
  • 1
    I built my own IoC container and other libraries. Learned so much from reinventing the wheel and also now have better understanding of what similar libraries do.
  • 3
    This is how I've learned everything I know. Good on you, @linuxxx
  • 0
    Wow, this makes me wonder what other wheels I should reinvent to learn more...
  • 1
    @MissDirection Thankies 😊
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