
Fucking useless browser that hide by default the fucking dev tools.
And also it fucking supports flexbox but can't fucking calculate height 100%.
Fucking fuckitty fuck.
Have your website with a shitty ui then. Might as well do a popup saying "switch browser" cause even IE manage to understand height:100%.

  • 3
    height: 100%; of what? Perhaps you’re looking for height: 100vh;
  • 2
    @sgorneau 100% of its parent which is a flex items. Works correctly in every browser (even IE !) but not fucking safari
  • 0
    @Letmecode my brain ceased functioning while i was imagining strangling the asshole that decided to do his job half assed
  • 0
    I would imagine that this occurs in Chrome also, is that right? They are actually behaving in accordance with the spec with regard to missing links.
  • 2
    I read "fuckitty" as "fuc kitty" and had a little laugh :)
  • 0
    @sgorneau nah Chrome works fine. It's listed as a bug in webkit for several years now
  • 1
    I believe a new rant grand-mistress has appeared... Following
  • 1
    It's sad to see Safari becoming the new Internet Explorer 🙁
  • 1
    Developing for Browser compatibility will give you cancer in the long run.

    And a tumor. And a permanent disability. And Alzheimer's. Finally a stroke.
  • 0
    Ever since @Letmecode started swearing creatively, many others try to do the same lol
  • 0
    @Letmecode Yeah but you basically brought it to devRant lol
  • 0
    *overuse of lol at the end of my comments intensifies I should stop that.

  • 1
    @Letmecode you've mentioned her before and now I want to meet her if she was even more creative than you are
  • 1
    @Letmecode Yeah, but not many people did rant like this. Since your likewise swearful rants about shitty and stale memes, age++ and some other annoying stuff, I see way less of it in my feed.

    EDIT: Removed my fucking "lol" at the end of this. Seriously, no. Let me stop.
  • 0
    I typically see that problem in IE11. Now I'm always making sure I'm using flex auto on those columns. Do you have all the vendor prefixes on?
  • 1
    @devrocket yup. And the most annoying part is the only solution they give you is position relative / position absolute. Like wtf.
    Glad there are nerf guns at my office to discharge pent up anger
  • 1
    @Enewia really? That sounds awful. Hope it works out for you.
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