
Client: Glad to have you on the team, you come highly recommended for your experience in Microsoft technology, specifically asp.net

Me: I was contacted for a php, mariadb project

Client: well they're all the same

Me: actually sir no.... No they're not.

Client: then why was I told to contact you

Me: you tell me, your hiring manager contacted me for a php project not asp or. Net

Client: well I guess I know who to blame for your, sorry for taking your time. Can I contact you if we have a project made with that thing you mentioned?

Me: php?, Sure

Client: nice...... Take care

Me: you too

That went better than I expected

  • 54
    Now send the company an invoice for your time spent as a consultant.
  • 16
    It's weird reading something positive about a client here. It's like I forget good clients exist.
  • 4
    @bittersweet I'm favoriting this rant just so I can remember to read your comment 😆 so much truth
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