
Why you hate JavaScript?

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    @nblackburn me nether but I read some comments about
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    @emamut People like to wing about everything, you are best ignoring them as they have a) never used it or b) struggled using it so it sucks because they couldn't understand it.

    There is VERY RARLY well founded critique of a language here.
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    Hm. Well. Scope management is shite. The fact that there's patterns to avoid blowing your project to Kingdom come is also an indicator it probably has some issues. But given the languages inventor had limited time to come up with something better than java, he did a good job (but how hard is that really).
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    Your thoughts @devrchancay
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    Used to dislike in the bad old days where everything was a global variable, the code was all in one giant file and code worked differently in different browsers.

    It has improved a lot.
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    language with community style conventions instead of proper syntax.

    "everything is everything!" instead of proper data types.

    started as "just a few toy commands to make image bounce on the website" and later tumorised into a proper programming language impostor.

    composed of insanity and all the most obscure bad quirks of all other languages...

    ... and JUST NOW i've got to the point where i would start talking about the deathly infectious disease they call their libraries...

    but to be fair, most of webstack is fucked in a very similar way and getting more fucked all the time as a result of shortsighted attempts to unfuck it.
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    Please don't have javascript , I love it
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    For me it's a love/hate relationship.
    It's easy to start, there's a library for fucking anything, the community is great and you can use it on literally any platform and side (browser, server, desktop, mobile). That's the good part. The bad part is that it's a fucking piece of shit when you get out of the easy part and use callbacks.
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    @evilmupp3t How is scope management shite with let const and modules?
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    I don't, cuz I'm not using it.
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    I don't. JS is kinda nice.
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    I think the problem is that everything compiles down to JavaScript for the web rather than anything lower. As a low-level framework it is pretty poor and leaves a lot to be desired.
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    I like it. Once you study it as is appropriate you don't get the common pitfalls most get and lead them to hate it because of their disinformation.
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    I don't, I actually loved it.
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    It is not on par with JSFuck.
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    @Froot, u need to define a throw-away function if u want to prevent a variable from becoming global. And then they call that a "pattern", although it really is a workaround for something that should be reported as a bug.
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    @xsacha it's the web

    That whole thing is just one big abstraction. And why would you want a lower-level web language? To enable websites to do even more shit?
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    @evilmupp3t ES6 modules, Google it
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    @Froot putting code in modules to avoid global access is still shitty. That's a band-aid on a severed limp. Asides, telling someone to Google something in a discussion is a shitty debate style. But hey, what gives. You won't convince me that javaScript is a great language. It has its use cases. But it's still a language that was designed out of a panic to avoid java and had features stapled onto to it over the years to keep it up with the times.
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    @evilmupp3t You are obviously not very good with JavaScript. Shouting "JS is shite" after using it for 2h to write some cluster fuck code on a wordpress site does not constitute to a good debate either
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    @Froot you're right. I'm not very good with it. That's because I don't code for the Web. *shrug* I've read a book on JS and was baffled anyone would use it. But maybe I'm just python spoiled. Whatevs. Oh and I didn't say JS is shite, I said it's scope management is.
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    Scope Management is really bad (I know "let" exists but so does IE). I don't like the fact that it isn't strongly typed but this is personal opinion. The whole language is by design single Threaded which forces for inconvenient workarounds. The thing was created as a scripting language and has been blown up by a huge amount of frameworks. TypeScript is odd, as it fixes most issues I have but it gets translated into massy JS Code which is slow to run.
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    most languages "compile" to JS and as the lowest level language, it is really poor because of the reasons I talked about before.
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    Did you just assume my programming language?
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