
I'm just a student, but I always feel like a badass when the class treats me like almost like a teacher when it comes to programming.

Our actual programming teacher is new, so she doesn't always teach well (don't get me wrong, she's nice and I do know my place as a student) so my classmates usually approaches me when they need clarification or they got an error on their code. Makes me feel useful :D

  • 6
    Uni/School System needs more people like you. Alternatively resourceful, pedagogically competent teachers.
  • 1
    Same here. Even people from other classes and years came to me for help. When I had Math they just came to me to ask if I could help them.
  • 1
    Thats me with math.
  • 0
    @blancobloc Oh shush, you flatter me~. I'm just a student, and I'm not that good XD
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