
I was fixing an issue where I have encountered a Java class written by a recently hired senior developer with 1K+ lines of code.
Inside that class....
One Method => 1K linesπŸ™„πŸ™„

I don't know where to bang my head now😐😐

  • 7
    All senior developers have lots of experience, unfortunately some people fail to learn from their experiences.
  • 1
    Whoops, deleted the comment accidentally.

    That's just plain lazy / inconsiderate of others, and a fresh hire? I would think people are interested in making a good impression.

    I'm a single dev reponsible for a project right now, but even here I at least try to respect the pain of my future self...
  • 2
    Function calls slow down the program, better to have only a main with all inside u.u
  • 3
    Is it still single responsibility if the responsibility is running the entire program?
  • 1
    SRP = Single Responsible Piss-ant.

    a single incompetent f--ktard is responsible for this mess.
  • 0
    @Axis nope πŸ‘Ž it was doing multiple things inside a single method 😐
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