Yay just broke my Linux and had to reinstall 👌

  • 9
    #idontneedbackups :)
  • 0
    Which distro did you have?
  • 7
    Asking because in arch you can basically just arch-chroot into your system and repair pretty much any fuckup
  • 3
    Truly a rite of passage
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    Try Arch + Budgie Desktop. Never had a better combo.
  • 0
    Same story here. Broke it a lot of times but learned a lot from it
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    @Kryptic0 hey! I just checked it out and it's pretty good! Imma try it out in a VM tomorrow. Thanks man
  • 1
    My Arch: Base + Xorg + Budgie. Never broke it. Maybe it's because all of my apps are in docker containers ... :) Thanks jazzfraz: https://github.com/jessfraz/...
  • 3
    @dontPanic you should its really nice the only reason it broke because i did something, its a really solid, fast OS
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    Reinstall is for windows
  • 6
    " broke my Linux " 10/10 for being descriptive!!
  • 1
    How do you break Linux?
  • 1
    @berserkcoder uninstall libssl
  • 3
    It's an excuse to update, or even try a new distro.
  • 1
    Well at least you can't broke a Gentoo pc xP take some time to install though.

    Edit: well okay you can, if you manually delete some parts of the package manager. At least when you're trying to install everything x) I did it one time :'D
  • 3
    @dontPanic you can chroot in to any Linux system and repair it. Most have recovery in bootloader nowadays too.
    Probably the OP just doesn't know how to repair it.
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    @xsacha Well, except if the fuckup is filesystem related. A paranoid user might do multiple dd passes to clear up a disk, only to realize that dev/sda2 was NOT the temporary partition with bomb building instruction pdfs and Asian scat porn.
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