Tips for learning 2 languages at once? I'm learning Java in school, and I'd like to learn Kotlin as well. I know they're similar, so my main concern is just mismatching syntax.

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    I don't recommend it as it will confuse you.

    For example in Kotlin constructor args are passed after class name declaration while in Java it is a standalone function inside the class.

    I recommend first you make your self familiar more with either of them and then start with the other. Since Java is from school, you better work with that first.

    IMO what I'd do if I were you, I'll go learn something similar like C#, or Swift. Java and Kotlin for me give no advantage unless someone in your area is requesting Kotlin for Android apps, but C#/Swift/PHP ..etc. will give you advantage by developing different types of software/websites ..etc.

    I hope I was able to explain my point :)
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    @gitpush you make a good point. I meant to ++ your comment, but accidentally -- it, and now it won't let me ++ anymore... 😧
    Edit: oh nvm, must have been a glitch. Have an upvote
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    @Sydochen no worries bro what is important is I was able to help out, wish you all the best :D
    If you still need more info do let me know
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    I agree with @gitpush.
    Learn the one you have to use right now otherwise your grades might suffer.
    If you learn Kotlin you might get confused with the features that are missing and harder to do in java. You may take things for granted that aren't in your version of Java.

    It's like in high school how they teach you to do derivatives the long way first because if they teach you straight away to multiply by the power and decrement it theres no way in hell you are gonna sit through the theory behind it afterwards!!
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