
Constantly feeling like I don't know enough to land a jr. Web dev position. I know html/css/js, I understand the fundamentals of jQuery, I have an early grasp on node and express, and Ive played around with some mongoose and angular. Still, I feel like I'm a thousand steps beyond landing a job. Im about to graduate college in a year and seriously need the money but I have no idea how I'm going to get there.

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    Try an internship to make sure you'll be all good? Also it'll look better on a resume.
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    @AnonymousMooCow I'm an intern now but all I do is CSS because thats all thats needed :( been here 9 months
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    talk to your supervisor, a internship is for learning.
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    @heyheni its a startup abd I was pretty much brought in to fill the front end role. There's just not really anything else for me to do here. The backend stuff is all waaaaaay over my head, and the non-static front end stuff requires a pretty deep understanding of the back end. Im talking like high tier encryption.
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    @theScientist I have a portfolio I made in node with express and deployed to a digital ocean ubuntu server, but that's it. Im trying to learn more about angular and build some small SPAs with node/express/angular and maybe integrate some simple APIs (like JSON response simple) into it, but I'm having difficulty finding the time to do so.
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