
ATTN: Macbook Pro Owners

My cousin has a 2015 model and it's giving her problems, like crawling to a halt and being unresponsive kinda problems. I've already googled it and followed the advice i found then (combing the LaunchAgents and the like).

Any other tips anybody could give me?

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    The Apple products I've owned in the past had a tendency to significantly slow down (probably mass storage slowing the entire unit down), but we're talking 2010-2012 models.
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    Can we have more info on the machine ? Disk type (guessing SSD), size and slave available ? Does she do stuff that incur lots of write operations ? What programs are eating up resources the most ? Does she have a shitload of chrome tabs open ? When does the showing occur ?
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    That's a bit more diagnosis than I've done thus far. I'll look into it and keep everyone posted in case anyone's still interested in lending a hand
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    @AllenII btw, space available, not slave, don't even know how that happened
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