I just came across this image
Even my grandma(80) can understand this :D

  • 2
    Naah this is neat, I'll pick it as a wallpaper for my family if they ask me to fix something
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    The problem arises when you are able to fix the intial (computers and printers), and you are a dev - and they know it.

    That is where the issue arises. Because to someone who doesn't work in dev - anyone who works on a computer is automatically considered and IT Technician.
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    So your grandma realises your an asshole or did I miss something? If you can Dev on back end hardware / software you could easily work out why the printer is not working. Not turned on, software (driver) issue, hardware (ink, paper or your ego jammed in) issue, networking issue. Simple stuff, the real issue is your are not interested and make out that it's complicated because you don't want to do it, therefore making printers seem like the most complicated thing ever. If it's broke it's freaking broke, tell them you can't be arsed and get them to go read the flipping manual.
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    Thank you for including the source!
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