
6:38pm, Tasklist for today:

- Debug website #1 - DONE
- Debug website #2 - DONE
- Launch a new website on a new domain - DONE
- Install SSL - DONE
- Test e-commerce section - DONE
- activate HTTP/2 for that domian (first time, once it worked it felt rewarding) - DONE
- set up 30 emails on said domain, send out emails on how to reset their passwords - DONE
- play Half life for 40 minutes - DONE
- Download GOT S06E09 - DONE
- cater all emails from clients... - DONE

proudest and most productive day of my life, really

  • 3
    Please, PLEASE, tell us how you did it!
  • 4
    Similar to mine! I've also downloaded GOT episode
  • 2
    Here, have a rewarding +1
  • 3
    Did you by any chance leave the phone off the hook and ignore emails for a while?

    Good skills!!!!
  • 1
    now how many hours r there in a day?
  • 1
    Well, comparing to last week at least this week I managed to put some underwear on.
  • 1
    What planet is the said day on?
  • 1
    got to work at 6.30, shut the door, psy goa trance music with earphones... phone on silent without vibrations. 12 hour streak!
    and a bag of M&M's.. :)
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