
Do people actually use eclipse because they enjoy using it?

  • 9
    People are excited for solar eclipse. That's the only eclipse they can be excited to see now. 😂

    Or a Mitsubishi fan also. That thing was super cool in 90's. 🚗
  • 3
    No, eclipse sucks dick, and Venkat (who is a Java dev) is joking about the real solar eclipse
  • 4
    @-psr Mitsubishi Eclipse' are pretty nice cars. Though I prefer the Lancer Evo's a little more
  • 3
    I enjoy it.
  • 1
    I didn't use it or java for maybe 5-6years ago but back then it was great. Lots of in-built refactorings, spell checker, source control integration. Also had little side panel you could run unit tests in then any failures could click on the text and it would jump to the line of code.

    I wonder if it has good support for typescript.. maybe should try it again one day
  • 0
    Funny submarine
  • 1
    Java = IntelliJ
  • 0
    I am confused, was he trying to be a smart @$$ trying to link (solar) eclipse with IDE or was he serious 🙄😯
  • 3
    @elliotalderson Every language that is lucky enough to be supported by them = JetBrains
  • 0
    May, just use vi.
  • 1
    eclipse on windows, I can make lunch before it loads. On Linux, instant.
  • 0
    I enjoy using it. For me it has been nothing but stable and fast and the remote projects can be rather handy alongside nice git integration. For website development I use Brackets locally then Eclipse PHP to handle remote changes as Brackets loves crashing when loading over sftp.
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