
Teacher :"Git is useless, you don't need it"
Me: -.-
The next day
Me: "thank God I used it"

  • 14
    Who is hiring these people??? When I was in college version control was being taught and that was over 10 years ago...
  • 6
    My life under git? Infinite branches
    Sadly no way to merge them
  • 2
    Just wrote your code perfectly in the first place and never make mistakes, then you won't need git.
  • 0
    I'd be very very happy if my code was even just ok..ish every time
  • 0
  • 1
    Does your teacher also exclusively use Windows and dislike open source and use Dropbox for storage/version control? Lol
  • 0
    @TheVariant USB sticks because Dropbox is shit and, yeah, Windows
    No open stuff by any chance
  • 1
    Should tell your teacher to git gud.
  • 4
    I wasn't taught git at all while in college. It's pretty sad. I was already using it beforehand but it should be taught in EVERY computer science or software engineering program.
  • 1
    Your teacher is useless. 😞😧
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