*Thinking face* Just wondering how many users here use their hacker alias on DevRant...

  • 4
    My nick here is the same as everywhere else, so I'm by no means anonymous :) I am not a hacker though, everything I do is legit so I have nothing to hide and I shamelessly stand up for my opinions here at devrant and elsewhere :) And yes, my boss knows I'm on devrant and he's cool with it. He's the best :)
  • 1
    I don't even have a hacker alias uhm
  • 1
  • 6
    A hacker alias is retarded.

    If you are sneaking into systems without permission, why would you leave clues? Why would you create an artificial weak point out of vanity?
  • 1
    That would be terrible op sec!
  • 2
    "Hacker alias"


    Thanks that really cheered me up in this shite meeting that I'm in.
  • 3
    You know what I hate most about hacking? It's when you can get past the metal grids and the fire... but you can't hack beyond the large animated chomping skull.
  • 3
    @SSDD I'm pretty good at the part where you have to quickly guess the ones and zeroes which cover the surface of the animated 3D cube.

    And I look pretty sweet when I stand in the middle of a server room, holding up my laptop with one hand, wearing leather gloves and a sock over my head.

    But I have some trouble when I have to type really fast to break through all 7 layers of protection in time, because the person on the other side always types a little faster, and then stops me with just 1 second left on the clock.
  • 1
    @bittersweet even worse. When there are two people on the other side, hacking together on one keyboard!

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