
You really should learn Flex. There will always be work for Flex programmers.

  • 8
    This was also said to many people regarding Silverlight.
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    I think as a basis you should learn an "awful" language that is at least 20 years old, and is still used today (C, Java, PHP, Python, JS, etc). As much flaws as you can name for any of those, they're great for stability and job security.

    Then you can have fun learning new & improved frameworks and languages, which may or may not be shortlived.

    And if you are in the position to make decisions for a company, build the core of your product around something "boring" and proven, and implement non essential side services using hipster tech to see how viable they are in production.
  • 8
    @jAsE It's easier if you just design your website as a table, and fill each cell with a small jpg file.
  • 1
    Wtf is flex 😅
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  • 4
    @Faraaz Unless he's talking about something else called Flex, it was an Adobe platform that was supposed to extend and succeed Flash in some circumstances.
  • 1
    I'll stick to my good 'ol trusty C, sorry :p
  • 0
    @jAsE so Facebook is a social platform website where you can connect to your friends and various other individuals from all around the world. It's pretty amazing but quite a waste of your productive time. Have a look at facebook.com. (They also have mobile apps)
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    @bittersweet, the 2000's called, they want their HTML back.
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    @CrankyOldDev, I liked it. It was pretty nice. I made a lot of "toys" with it.
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