My college still uses turbo c++, how's your day going?

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    the university i studied at to this day teaches C99 for integrated Systems.
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    What is the resonant frequency of a chicken's skull?
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    @thebiochemic for schools is a bit harder. some guys have chosen what will be studied ( long, long ago when was easy to do so ) and now they are probably still alive and in charge of that, or if not the new on the same post are more or less from the same era, + the fact that the ones deciding that are not a practitioners and don't follow what's used and loved by us... so they 1st don' know with what to replace the old mainly unused langs and 2nd there is no one that will write the books...
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    What do you think they should use?
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    @We3D im not saying i hated it. Quite the opposite.

    while thats true, that learning relevant languages is probably better, I don't really see, why you should use a recent one. It's not like you're utilizing the latest features of C++23, since youre learning how to methodically solve a problem and learn to get this mindset of logic. The most complex thing you do is probably printing a diamond shape in the terminal or draw some stuff in some canvas type framework given by the school.

    I for my part did Delphi (Some variation of Object Pascal) in School.
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    @Sid2006 Any new code editor.
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    @thebiochemic I didn't say is bad too, I haven't touched C99, but I learned BASIC, LOGO, Prolog, Turbo Pascal ( Delphi was just not for me ) and I don't regret any of that and other langs I tried to do stuff with them. It's good to have broadened view and start with simple ones and not rely on 1 for all langs to do everything. but is best if you have some knowedge of ASM and how things flow under the hood of your preffered/current working with high end lang
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    @any-mesh Students should focus on learning concepts and basics in college, not fancy colorful code editors.

    I know I sound like a boomer but whatevs.
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    @Sid2006 yeah i tend to agree to that. There is always this split to learn the basics vs learn the power tools. And i'd say it depends. But since the focus in school is not to learn this new shiny tool or this hot new language, it doesn't really matter what tool they use, and if it's old or not, instead as you said, people should learn about concepts and shit..The choice of the language has way less priority than one might think.

    If you're serious about stuff like that, you'll learn other languages anyways.
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    @Sid2006 Students should focus on learning concepts and basics, not waiting for the build chain to get an error message.

    Inconvenience doesn't teach people better, it teaches them slower. Nobody benefits from the lack of live feedback with locations and go to definition / implementation / references
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    My college used ANSI C. The defining characteristic of ANSI C in relation to modern C isn't that it doesn't have fluff, it's that it has completely braindead casting and visibility rules that you will never see in a modern programming language and familiarity with them is not a transferable skill to anything that isn't ANSI C.
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    My college still teaches Visual Basic 6.0. But I think Turbo C++ wins in term of seniority.
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    Every self respecting programmer should learn fucking pointers.

    Change my mind.
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    @thebiochemic " The most complex thing you do is probably printing a diamond shape in the terminal"

    oh, i wish.... one of the homework assignments we had was a transactions simulator/multiple interconnected banking systems with a factory design pattern which also the teachers considered unnecessary complex.

    a year before us was allegedly even worse - they had to write an airport scheduler
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    @daniel-wu VB6 knowledge has a wide range of usecases in corp/govt. Those MS Office macros are not going to write themselves
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    @Jedidja is it 8? I am referring to the C++ docs for Turbo C++ sound function. It had a story in there saying it was 7 Hz. I cannot find a web version of the docs though.
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    Brother in my college, we still study VISUAL BASIC

    as a subject and we also have to create a project in it
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