
So I finally decided to switch to Linux.
And I need help choosing distro.
I know this is not a good place to ask this, I could just use google. But I want to hear it from you guys, from actual devs whose work with it every day, and not from some ***** bloggers whose barely know what is OS.
So please just write which distro you are using and if you are happy with it. I will be very thankful.

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    Fedora. No - hated it and it drove me mental. Developers don't *need* to use Linux.

    Point of semantics, if you haven't chosen a distro, you haven't switched yet - you're just thinking about it.
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    @CrankyOldDev Yeah i only decided to switch, but not to fedora. thanks
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    If your PC can handle good graphics or you want windows like interface go for ubuntu with gnome or unity
    For light weight tasks go for arch Linux
    If you want something more lean go for CentOS or RHEL
    Or if you want to run android apps go for remix OS
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    @axed Ooh thanks, that help a lot. (noKappa)
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    @axed Have an upvote for actually providing a helpful answer instead of axe grinding like I did.
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    @novi no problem
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    I've only recently switched myself to Ubuntu. I found it an easy place to start and learn Linux. I've got a friend who swears by Arch, though I haven't used it.
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    @CrankyOldDev well your inner voice was talking 😉
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    Yeah, Ubuntu seems like the best option here. But I always thought Ubuntu is more for basic users than programmers.
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    I switched to elementary OS recently, it's based on Ubuntu. It is really clean and stable.
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    @waqas-ibrahim Oh I never heard about it. Thanks
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    @novi I'm currently using Arch, in combination with I3. It's quite some configuration and learning by trial and error, burning the end I'm very happy with it. It's very lightweight and with I3 the windows are working with me, instead of against me. 😀
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    @Rocket3G Oh it looks awesome on google images. I will try it. Thanks
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    Everyone will hate me for this but.. you could install macOS, it's more complicated to install but easier to use and maintain (every Linux distro drove me mad at some point)
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    @MagicSowap Ok, i never saw it as a option, so why not try it thanks :D
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    I'm a Fedora user myself but my advice:

    Ubuntu/mint/debian: easy to use, stable enough and great for development.

    Fedora/CentOS: little higher learning curve but haven't used a more stable system in my life!

    Arch: harder learning curve but if you go with a distro like Antergos or Solus OS you'll have the arch speed + usability!
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    @linuxxx I've decided to switch to linux ( this is the third time and maybe the last time ) and I'd like to install Manjaro, any tip on Nvidia drivers for it ?
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    I like Manjaro (xfce version).
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    @vincetrot Thanks
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    @andr3w000 I don't k ow much about that since I don't game but let me think who I can mention... @PerfectAsshole @jpichardo?
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    @andr3w000 just be sure if you are using nvidia optimus, and follow the instructions, shouldnt be that hard :p
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    Right after I post this rant, I started trying to run Arch Linux. After this two hours, I finally surrender. Because the internet falls down after I added the second user (before works great). So maybe Ubuntu or Elementary OS is the place for me. :D
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    @novi did you try Manjaro? :) I didn't last one day with Ubuntu, so many bugs
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    @vincetrot No, i but i will. Thanks
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    But what I know for sure now: I fall in love with i3wm :D thanks @Rocket3G
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    First you need to figure out what distro would you like to choose. Someting based on Ubuntu is a solid pick, if you have no idea what to pick.

    Then you need to check what flavor (desktop enviorment) you like (kde, lxde, xfce, cinnamon, etc.).

    I personally prefer Ubuntu and Arch derivates, with KDE desktop, like Kde Neon or Manjaro.
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    Hard to pic if you don't have practice with Linux
    I've started with debian and Ubuntu back in 2000 mostly server distros due to development
    Around 2007 switched to the ubuntu desktop versions untill unity showed up!
    Been using mint for the last 3y and I recommend it.
    Debian/Ubuntu based distros are generally easy to install maintain and use
    Gaining experience with it you will be clearer of your needs and preference
    Don't bother trying to find the best distro, use any take your time and decide what's better for you
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    +1 for Elementary OS (I still haven't tried arch either) the ui reminds me of Mac os and is very straightforward to use for any level of Linux competency but because it is Linux if you want to get more advanced and fancy you easily can just expect to be at the terminal and using sudo more often (elementary os prevents a lot of operations without the use of sudo to protect the system integrity for the standard user)

    I still would love to try arch just to learn more about Linux and all but in terms of an everyday/development distro I think I'll be sticking to elementary os
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    @novi yeah no problem. I had issues as well, and it has taken me more hours than I care to admit to configure it to my liking. In the end I've settled with arch, Gnome Display Manager and i3 as the WM.

    Personally I find that Antergos tries to do too much configuring for me. I prefer Arch-Anywhere if you need a simpler install.

    If you need inspiration: https://reddit.com/r/unixporn. People there have the craziest and most gorgeous setups you could imagine!
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    If you want everything preconfigured and your system can handle a heavy distro, go for semicode OS. It's based on Ubuntu and is pretty user friendly.

    Otherwise, follow @axed 's advice.
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    There are also different flavours of Ubuntu. Like kubuntu, or xubuntu.
    I don't know the specifics, but mostly the interface is different I think
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    @moortuvivens Kubuntu = Ubuntu with KDE (IDE), Xubuntu = Ubuntu with XFCE (IDE yeah)
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    @moortuvivens @linuxxx Still think KDE Neon is (my opinion) the best option if you want Ubuntu with KDE 🤔
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    @Bram2003 Fair enough! I just don't like KDE personally :)
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    So after few days of testing I finally install Ubuntu with i3wm. And again Thanks every one for help :)
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