-we have a huge nested object to represent this functionality.
- just save it in the DB under "settingsx" column as a stirng. No need for different columns

We had to parse it multiple times in the client and the server.
After a year in the company, I've managed to convince the team leader to move to json object at least

  • 2
    I am continually scared shitless by the number of DB "experts" who couldn't recognise (let alone design) a normalised schema if their life depended on it. Dumping nigh on unqueryable, complex objects into a single field because you're too lazy to design the right store is such a common approach. Makes me mad.
  • 1
    @CrankyOldDev I make exactly the same speech once a while in the office, when a coworker tries to do this. They never seem to learn
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