You make a platformer game and prototype open source and someone uses it and people assume i must be upset because they "stole" my idea. Wtf, i made it fpr the community to make something cool and thats it!

  • 3
    Non sure if you are bragging.... But congrats.
  • 4
    @penderis not bragging, sorry if it seemed like it. Its a simple things for learning experience and a few buddies dont get why i dont get angry when people make something cooler off my original code when i wasnt even thinking about it..
  • 0
    @Lahsen2016 then you don't want to open-source it. You can't steal open-source code (unless git clone is armed robbery).
    You can share the code with a licence which doesn't permit commercial use of it. But you may not have the money to attack people who use it anyway.

    If it's a multiplayer game, you could have a proprietary client and a open-source server. People have to buy a copy but they can go wild with modded server.
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