
Oh god why!?

Somehow I decided that it would be nice to have a proper spell&grammar checker in VS Code for me and my friends to write our reports in Latex with.

Decided I wanted multiple language support, so I turned to language tool.

GOD is this thing slow as a very unmotivated snail!

3s to process 9 phrases!? And then add one second to pack the results in a JSON string!? An option that I'm still very grateful exists, but why the fuck would you disallow line-by-line processing, which you expressly recommend for IDEs, and which cuts processing time by 30%, when JSON output is asked!?

Well, serves me right for thinking for even a second that a Java program could have decent performance...

This whole thing is starting to look like it's not gonna be nearly as fun ss I anticipated it to be.

  • 1
    Dude. If my memory doesn't fail me, VS Code it's made with JS.
  • 1
    @apex Yup, but language tool is in Java, I use it because I haven't found any other library that would fit my purpose. That's the second plug-in I make in js that uses child_process to call Java programs (that way I maintain compatibility with all OS), the first one relied on apktool for reverse engineering.
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