
I really hate Apple for popularizing reversed scrolling on touchpads. It doesn't make any fucking sense.

  • 21
    Like when you scroll down it goes up ? It makes total sense to me
  • 13
    It does absolutely make sense for touchscreens, but it doesn't make sense for a touchpad because you're not actually directly touching the content.
  • 1
    Nah, makes perfect sense to me.
  • 15
    I dont`t really get what`s your problem. You can change it in Settings
  • 9
    It makes sense, a touchpad is a pad that simulates touching the screen. If you don't like just change it, but it isn't wrong.
  • 3
    I mostly hate it because now, both options exist and are widely represented. I have my computers in the old fashion, a lot of friends too, but sometimes I'll use someone's computer and get confused because they have it opposite to mine
  • 1
    I don't use the touchpad and the touchscreen. Mouse and keyboard ftw!
  • 1
    I see it as you're pushing the content on screen upwards or pulling it down. Personally I prefer that when using a touchpad.
  • 0
    @Tekon Yes, imo, you scroll with a touchpad much like a mousewheel.
  • 1
    Moral of the story:
    People have differing preferences.
  • 0
    I hated it when I first used a Mac but now I find it much nicer and have 'Australian scroll's enabled on my Chromebook and Windows laptops.
  • 1
    The content move using up when you move your fingers up, just as the pointer moves up when you move your finger up
  • 0
    Makes sense for touch screen and touch pad.
    Quite a different story when talking about mouse wheel.
  • 1
    Meh, I used to hate it but now... I prefer it!
  • 0
    Touchpad? What is that?
    Some people also talk about a thing called "mouse"..

    That's so weird to me..

    Keyboards for live:)

    At least when betterSnapTool is installed on OS X.
  • 0
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