devrant is even shitter drunk.

Dance for me monkey 🐒

  • 6
    Go and eat some hummus ya filthy animal
  • 6
    As shitty as b2plane's back yard?
  • 1
    I think the super enthusiasts (and truthful) change the algo and talk for the worse.

    As a rule every dev should be beat drunk at least once a week. And self introspect . That everything is wrong with the world and nothing with you.
  • 2
    And yet you're here.
  • 2
    I was all about to be: wtf dude? Why you dissing devrant? Then I saw it was you and realized it was a regular cool dev. Yeah, same old some old.
  • 1
    @Demolishun awwww you're sweet you can stay x 😆♥️
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