What books would you recommend everyone to read??

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    I guess I would recommend to read 1984 to anybody. For guys who are nerds I would recommend the Illuminatus books and snow crash.
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    The variable man by Philip k dick
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    @plusgut I have read 1984, it is awesome. Will the other two. Thanks
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    @jesterishere a little disclaimer: Illuminatus is very weird, the two authors put every conspiracy theory into a bowl and mixed it together until a crime novel came out. And snow crash is the inspiration for games like the second life.

    And another recommendation from me would be to read "Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World" from Haruki Murakami. It's beautiful to read how the author mixes the reality with a dream world in a very fluid way, and you as a reader have the fun to figure out what is real.
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    @plusgut dude u got good taste in novels
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    @amateur64 thank you :) Since you have a similar taste to mine, can you recommend to me something?
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    The one from that pic yes
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    I just finished reading Ready Player One by Ernest Cline. It's a good goofy read.
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    @plusgut I'm a murakami fan so I would say read them all 1q84 Norwegian Wood wild sheep chase ... I would also suggest you to see j d Salinger's the catcher in the rye
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    @amateur64 I'm a Murakami fan as well! I love mostly all of his stuff. But didn't like the last Book of 1q84, because of to much repetition. I couldn't read it and had to listen to the audiobook.

    Is the "catcher in the rye" actually a good book? I have to think back to my school time where were supposed to read it, and I don't like to be forced to do something.. and I didn't read it because of my puberty-mindset. But thanks for the recommendation, I'll put it now on my todolist.
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    @plusgut I agree that 1q84 is a bit of a drag but u can't help feel sorry for ushikawa at the end
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    The Linux Bible
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    Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson
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    Chaos Monkeys. Really interesting book about a dude and his buddies starting a startup in Silicon Valley!
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    definitely anything about algorithms :-P
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    Any of the followong.

    The two cows are my debugging-ducks, btw

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    The Art of War by Sun Tzu, it's a bit cliche but still an excellent book.
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