
Being able to have a small team sit down all day for several weeks or months before having an alpha version to present to the public or to investors. How can you finance making your proof of concepts?

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    You either code it yourself or pay for someone from your pocket to do it. At least where I am nobody will even hear until the end of the sentence before you already got a beta out with traction and users

    BTW don't get down about it - team building is the single hardest thing in a startup. It's just a massively demanding challenge, very few people get it right the first time around.
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    @vertti yed thats the problem. A single person can maybe make a small useful app, but not anything innovative.
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    @jobylie I agree, but there's very little choice. On the other hand those thst push through have less competition because it's so hard to get any real solid product out there to the market
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