
@devRant, chill out and quit eating my phones battery!

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    Can it be the frequent notifs updates that causes this?
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    @TerriToniAX it could be? I'll run a control tomorrow (full charge, no settings changed w/ normal usage) and then, the day after, I'll change my notif settings so it doesn't light up my screen every few minutes and then run the test again. (full charge, settings changed w/ similar usage to the day before)

    If I notice a huge difference, I'll log a ticket with devs.
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    Stop hiding in the toilet reading devrant and go back to work!
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    @CWins *gasp* how did you know?
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    Someone reported this issue before and found out thta the phone was calculating the usage wrong.

    But if you keep running into problems, create a ticket at https://github.com/devRant/devRant
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    @Haxk20 just rubbing it in now aren't ya :P
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    Maybe I'm in the bathroom stall next to you :-(
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    @CWins nice shoes :3
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    You need to enable "time on screen" indicator. This is useless for debugging or proving anything because it doesn't have any indication of relative usage. Every time anyone has ever done that on iOS it proves devRant uses no more battery than almost every other similar app (and usually uses less).
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    As I post every time someone brings this up, here's my phone usage and shows Gmail, Chrome, Instagram, etc. all using more battery than devRant, relative to usage, which is the only metric that really matters...
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    Thanks @dfox for a good explanation. Ah, so @Bastion, the reason devRant eats up your battery is that you use devRant a lot :)
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    Thanks for the description @dfox, muchly appreciated!

    @TerriToniAX we'll have to look at my usage in the next sprint, clearly a bug :P
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