#¤%@ kid!!! My 5yo son has obviously been playing with his mom's mobile phone. At first, I thought it was a little cute, when I received incoherent texts about Roblox, one of his favourite games.

But then, I suddenly heard from my sister who was really upset and worried. She was wondering if my gf really wants to see her dead, after receiving a facebook pm in English, saying "oh die :-)".

No need for auntie to take it personally though; turned out she was not the only one getting the same message :-O

A little boy is facing a mobile ban for a very long time...

  • 5
    That Kid is awesome :D
  • 3
    Man pls tell to that kid that he is the boss
  • 1
    @ElsSnek He is :)
  • 1
    @cokelito1 Nah, he knows that already :)
  • 2
    @DefiniteGoose Really? Cool! Which games are yours, any of them still online?
  • 3
    @DefiniteGoose It seems fun and I've also thought of giving it a try, but haven't found the time. Perhaps I should prioritize some time for it as my boy is so fund of it; I'm sure he would think that dad is cool if I created any ever so simple game in Roblox. Then when he gets a little older maybe we can create something together, a great father-son activity :)
  • 2
    @TerriToniAX To say he's fund of Roblox is actually an understatement. He *loves* it! :)
  • 2
    @Jop- *LOL* Well, I think what he did last night is reason enough to wait perhaps a few more years :) I didn't get a car of my own neither when I drove my father's at the age of three (BTW, my first ride ended up in a snowdrift).
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