
The website of the italian post service is "closed" between 23:45 and 00:15, everyday.
I don't know if something like this happens in other countries...

And do you know when I really need to access it?
ALWAYS IN THESE 30 MINUTES, not the others 1.410 of the day!

What do you think, what could be a valid reason to "close" a web service?
I thought about backup, but other services don't have this problem.

  • 2
    Some international banks do that too. I guess it is because having a fixed "maintenance time" makes customers used to it, thus technically you never have an "unexpected downtime".
    You know the service will not be available in that time and you plan accordingly.
  • 6
    @Pizza ok, but why don't set it from 3:00 to 3:30?
    A lot of people like me need it at 23:45. 😣
  • 1
    @JS96 Good point 😅
    Easier to remember? Random choice? No idea
  • 13
    There was this WordPress webshop I once fixed, with a script which took the website offline outside of office hours.

    I explained that as long as he put up a notice that orders are only sent on weekdays, he could just leave it up... to which the guy responded:

    "but I don't trust people in my shop at night, that's when the hackers are on the internet"

    Well... you got me there.
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