
If Internet Explorer is brave enough to ask you to make it your default browser, you're brave enough to ask that girl out.

  • 0
    i feel like a rare person for still using IE for things
  • 3
    yes. but usually the response is something along the lines of "you're sweet but..." then next week says she wishes a guy that totally match you would ask her out..

    thats my experience atleast...

    always friendzoned ^.^
  • 2
    If asking a girl out is like asking me to make IE my default browser, you are going to be hearing a lot of "no"s!
  • 1
    I don't know, Microsoft is a pretty optimistic company

  • 3
    @inpothet Holy. What? You're a dev and use IE?
  • 4
    @henseiderv hold on, hold on, let's hear him out. Give him a chance to explain his reaso... screw it, get the pitch forks!!
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