
Hey everyone - tonight we performed a database upgrade and unfortunately there were a few "surprise" breaking changes to the query language we use that weren't caught during testing. Once they were discovered after the upgrade. The queries were corrected within a few minutes. You might have noticed some issues with commenting, voting, etc.

On this note, please let me know if you notice anything suspicious like errors when trying to perform normal actions, or anything at all. I appreciate any reports since it's a bit tricky for us to cover every last part of the app alone, though I think we went through most of it. Thanks and please let me know if you have any questions!

  • 19
    Haven't noticed any bugs yet 👌
  • 17
    I had issues upvoting, thought it was my connection...
  • 5
    @filthyranter does it seem ok now?
  • 10
    @dfox Well, I upvoted your rant and the comment so it should be fine. Upvoting other rants works, too.
  • 7
    @filthyranter awesome, thanks
  • 6
    @filthyranter Yeah had the same thing. Also, until an hour ago, i couldn't load any rants but it's all fixed now!
  • 10
    Oh, that's why. I thought my big bro was messing my account in bluestacks because I installed one, or perhaps haven't logged out my account in my pc at home and changed passwords. Can't either view feeds and redirected to landing page an hour ago but, all things are working now. Thanks! :)
  • 4
    @coffeeneia why do you use bluestacks?
  • 2
    Up voted and commented, seems to work
  • 6
    @Dacexi Oh. Its for my grab and uber for booking private vehicle on my way to work or elsewhere. ^_^ Also, I just find out I can just use browser for mobile support in uber but, in grab I can't. So still, going to use bluestacks, though and for android games. ^_^
  • 5
    @coffeeneia Ah, almost thought you used devRant through bluestacks lol.
  • 4
    @Dacexi Lol, I tried though! But, I can't spam notifs like how a browser does.
  • 7
    @coffeeneia if you haven't tried it yet, I recommend you check out devRantron. Can be downloaded at https://devrantron.firebaseapp.com
  • 9
    @Dacexi already using it since @tahnik posted it first. Nice ui/ ux, btw!
  • 2
    Dfox do you have employees yet?? Bet they will rant about the extra work cause the dev missed some queries
  • 1

    What were you changing from and to?

    Inquiring minds wanna know.
  • 4
    @RodrigoF I wish we had employees :)

    @SSDD Neo4j 3.1.x to 3.2.3. Apparently 3.2 had some breaking Cypher changes (not particularly well documented) mainly with some old statements (CREATE UNIQUE) that we were using to write relationships for comments, votes etc. I switched those old queries to use MERGE instead of CREATE UNIQUE and everything seems good now. We should have probably tested more though before the cutover.
  • 1
    I havent noticed a thing... Damn i must have slept well...
  • 2
    @dfox I'm here if you accept volunteers 🙂
  • 2
    @filthyranter congrats on 10k!
  • 3
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