
Getting into Linux (Kali...)
Omg I had to google everything. Per example how to change the keyboard to my language...😥

  • 1
    It happens, Linux is for adventurers 😂
  • 1
    Kali has Gnome... so what about settings -> keyboard? :D
  • 1
    @ThoughtfulDev ye... didnt found the settings either haha :'''D
  • 1
    @Johnni now you know haha :D
  • 4
    Well, learning linux from Kali is like learning driving with a van, it is possible but not so comfortable =D
    You should try Debian, Ubuntu or ElementaryOS firstly
    When you are a bit familiar with Linux try installing Arch Linux (for advanced users)
    If you are interested in Cyber Security try firstly from web app security, it doesn't require linux knowledge
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