Sideproject progress update :)

  • 2
    Wow! :)
  • 9
    Mother of God 😮
  • 6
    I want .... no I NEED one right now !! 😍
  • 15
    But why?😅
  • 18
    Birth of GLADos!
  • 8
    The customer needs it that's why :) I just coded the software and purchased the hardware :)
  • 2
    @iNCEPTiON excellent motivation 😂
  • 3
    That's certainly... an interesting design
  • 4
    May I ask what will be displayed on such a (beautiful) monstrosity?
  • 3
    This is how my code always looks like –.— thx for reminding me
  • 0
    Some random content of the customer.
  • 2
    That must have been hella expensive...
  • 1
  • 4
    35000 € for the Sphere without software. Some people have the money I guess. I would never ever buy something useless like this. I would rather invest in high end gaming/coding rig :)
  • 1
    So is it for advertisement/decoration or will it actually have a use?
  • 2
    It will stay in the office of my customer, special events and so
  • 7
    That's gonna be one amazing blue ball of windows updates.
  • 3
    Believe me I've wrote the sync software also for Ubuntu but I've got all kind of performance issues, that's why I had to use windows
  • 4
    I first thought those are BSODs lol
    Great job :)
  • 3
    Lol its the evolution of the disco ball!
    Very cool :)

    Can you share some specs like how many screens you use, different sizes, do they also move, do they transform to a giant toaster?

    I wonder how this will look like in a dark room with mirrors for ceiling, walls and floor.
  • 2
    This looks amazing, what is your client's business??
  • 3
    @bioDan im using 28 Nucs/58 screens running on windows.

    The backend is Ubuntu with asp.net core. You can basically manage and choose the content in the Cms running on the Linux machine.

    The synchronization software that I wrote in c# communicates with the "master" machines that broadcasts the position to the network (same as mplay)
  • 1
    @iNCEPTiON very nice, thanks! wp 👏
  • 3
    @bioDan here is a video of it in action with test content. https://youtu.be/q9v55DtKiX0
  • 1
    @iNCEPTiON How did you manage to achieve this with just one or two cables?
  • 0
    Kinda looks like someone threw a supermarket in the display section an electronics shop.

    Kinda curious what part had the performance issues on Linux.
    Usually when I hear had to use Windows it's either due to proprietary crap that runs good nowhere but at least runs on Windows or people that just are only used to Windows (and it's ecosystem). I have a feeling your case is more interesting and complex. Could you elaborate?
  • 1
    Running Ubuntu on intel NUC that has to display on 2 screen a video with 1080p. The Lag was real.

    There was simply no chance in getting at least 24 fps.

    Windows on the other hand runs smoothly with 60
  • 0
    Stupid fucking phone autocorrect!

    Kinda looks like someone threw a SUPERMAGNET in ....

    Project is awesome by the way
  • 1
    @iNCEPTiON I have no doubt the lag was real. Was wondering if you knew what the issue was.
    Did you have the same issue with only one display?
    I happen to have a NUC and use it as media center/home server. No issues here (running on Arch Linux).
  • 1
    Had the issues with 1 screen also. Tried all kinds of codecs, libs, players.

    What surprised me though is that the performance of the new win 10 video player is absolutely amazing don't know how they achieved this.
  • 1
    Holy screen....
  • 0
    Still alive..
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