
Question for school:
When (if) you use Java what IDE or text editor do you like to use? Also what do you use for work (if you program in Java)?

Personally I like to use intellij but the school default is NetBeans (prob cause it's free).

Thx everyone

  • 3
    Im prolly a black horse here but i use eclipse
  • 10
    Intellij. Hands down best IDE on the market. End of discussion. (All Jetbrain's flavored IDE great.)

    Eclipse and Netbeans are for people that like waiting and pain and crying.

    Good thing for Java is that intellij has a community edition. So your school has no excuse.
  • 0
    My school used eclipse. Professionally we use intellij
  • 1
  • 1
    Yeah...Elcipse and Netbeans have become far too bloated for their own good. In my experience they are slow, clunky, and just not fun to work with.

    As far as IDEs go, IntelliJ is a breath of fresh air :) It is a great deal for students!

    To be honest so are their other products too!
  • 1
    Fucking bluej and eclipse ...
  • 2
    I use IntelliJ, they have a free version but I use w copy with a student license.
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    Work is an IntelliJ shop and I really like it.
  • 0
    I use NoJava. Great thing. With it, you don't have to write a single line of has code and everything works wonderfully
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    I use Eclipse.
  • 0
    Intellij, best ide I've used for ages.
  • 2
    I do like IntelliJ.
  • 1
    I'm going with the flow: IntelliJ is awesome
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