
For anyone interested in Digital Signal Processing, I wrote a little tool in C[1] that implements the FFT algorithm and takes audio samples to visualise the spectrum using raylib.

I might later add low pass and high pass filters.

[1]: https://github.com/mirimmad/FFTViz

  • 1
    I‘m not interested but it sounds very cool!
    Have my ++ and a star on GH!
  • 1
    @Lensflare Thanks. :)
  • 1
    That's cool. I might actually use it or grab some parts of it to make smth not so equally cool on FlipperZero, if there is not already a similar tool there... when I get to that, thanks for sharing =]
  • 0
    DSP was a class I took several times out of interest but never figured out how to apply to actual use lol
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    Might not be your thing, but it's heavily used in embedded microcontrollers for, say, factory process automations and such.
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    @We3D Thanks. Doing it on an embedded system would be cool.
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    @iceb I'm currently enrolled in one.
  • 1
    Very nice!
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