
So my girlfriend was trying to find another word for "whispered" and I just had to screenshot this ad...

Could someone tell me what its trying to actually scam people into?

  • 3
    I think it's trying to shove fake products under the pretense of Microsoft down your throat.
  • 0
    @byte-me But... word.. excell.. PDF... C#... None of those things go together, well aside word and excell but still
  • 2
    Its a set of enterprise BI tools / frameworks. (Which also lets you generate fancy documents with graphs and shit from your applications)
  • 0
    I think I used one of their libraries in the past. I dont remember what though. On the face of it component libraries that save development time are worth it although sometimes the open source alternatives are just as good.
  • 1
    the under $4000 refers to their $3995 price for companies with less than $100M annual turnover (company wide license so unlimited installations and users)

    companies with less than $1M annual turnover and less than 5 developers can use it for free.
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