Well... My MacBook is officially drunk 😂😂😂

Was testing a code that I made 😅 it actually didn't use more than 8 GB memory lol

  • 3
    I actually don't trust the activity manager anymore..
    It showed me some complete rubbish a few times.

    The terminal on the other hand never failed me :)
  • 1
    @just8littleByte yeah well... Go terminal 😎😎 it's great 😄😄
  • 1
    Oh it's been in the hundreds at one point for me
  • 1
    @Electrux htop is my friend)
  • 1
    @Christian1998 mine too... Plus I like the nerdy look 😄😄😂😂😂
  • 2
    I think it using some swap kind of technology present in linux .. that allows hdd as ram extension.. basically low hit page files go there when ram is full .. in case of M.2 SSD its used as another level of cache. I am not familiar with Darwin for mac, but it can use something like that and if app is dumb enough it can show allocated space to memory consumption table .. check htop cmd tool .. it can show vertual and physical memory info for processes ..
  • 1
    @kunaldawn I dont think it shud do that... And it doesn't happen everytime too so I think it's a bug
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