Power-out inspired pi project!

Just a simple flashlight. Brightness and color can be controlled by the joystick. It runs off a phone battery pack

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    Images: white light (bright), red, blue, white light (dim)
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    It to was inspired by having no power. I created this extremely low power use flashlight. I imagine it uses a lot less power. I was going for cheap so i threw out the raspberry pi.
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    As you can see its also wireless. 😀 for real though powers out.
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    A) I don't have one
    B) Arduino doesn't have a sense hat with an 8x8 rgb led grid and a joystick
    C) Who cares about cost, I just made a flashlight out of some of my favorite toys because I DON'T HAVE POWER
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    hey i have the same stuff but i use it as an equalizer
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