
What is GitHub? And what is it used for? Why should I use it?

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    Version control / backup

    It's really handy if you know how it works
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    Github is an online repository for projects using git.

    As mentioned above git is for version control, similar to svn. If you're creating any project of considerable size you HAVE to use some sort of version control.

    I can't remember the name but there was an indie game company that got their hardware stolen and they lost EVERYTHING because they didn't use VC
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    If you feel it's too intimidating try using a GUI interface for git. It'll make more sense
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    Like sourcetree
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    @xroad git kraken also is pretty nice
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    Using git, you can work on projects by making copy of the original and change some stuff in your copy and then, combine with the original....It is super easy, hassle free and most of the devs use it, so you should too.
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    a way to save the state of your code in different snapshots that you can go back to one if you screw up, that you can share with others so they can change the code, save their own states and go back if either one of you screws up. also useful as a remote back up for when your desktop gets set on fire.
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    @Oceas better than sourcetree in your opinion?
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    If you think about it, it's kinda like the checkpoints/savegame files of programming ... #showerThoughts
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    If while coding you create many folders with different versions, git will help you. A lot.
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    @mags24 did you just refer to git as "super easy and hassle-free"?
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    @xroad honestly.... I just use command line for everything but visually it looks more appealing to be the few times I want to see the history of commits and branches.
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    @xroad If you're on Windows... git extensions for Windows is my favorite gui.
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    what is gui?
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    @elazar no, but the guy above me did ;)
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    @mikk150 Graphical User Interface. As opposed to command line.

    ...unless you were being facetious...
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    @mags24 sorry. An off-by-one error :)
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    @xroad this gui you say, it seems fun you say, what can you do with it?
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