
FFFFFFUUUUUUCCCCKKKKK spent 1hr writing a Quora answer to "Why did Warren Buffet buy Apple not Google" on my phone. Then forgot to copy the text before submitting and lo hand behold...

Submission Failed....

Ok just for kicks:

-lock in effect
-Apple has a monopoly on i*
-90% of people just need their apps to work and check email, they don't give a fuck about alternative options

  • 11
    Don't forget 80% of the general public are mindless sheep who do shit because it's "cool."
  • 4
    @jhh2450 that's covered in the 90% 😂
  • 2
    @jhh2450 do u remember the old ad from apple? xd
  • 2
    @ivrat I think you need to be a little bit more precise
  • 5
    @Krokoklemme its some old ad from like 80s or before where apple try to make u think different and not be like a sheep its so ironic now
  • 1
    @ivrat Haven't seen it before.

    But there's another one about quality products for cheap prices. Ironic
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