
Perl is already high, but this thing is on LSD: https://raku.org/fun/

The fact that it's sort of serious and not an esolang designed for pain makes it even funnier.

  • 3
    Even the theming of the website is vaguely psychedelic
  • 1
    Since you like languages, I'm sure you've heard about brain fuck. Is there already a Rust compiler for it? Maybe fun to write. This is a great brain fuck explanation: https://gist.github.com/roachhd/...

    Edit: brain fuck is not weirdest language ever. There's a language where from the programmer himself was able to write something in. Every character you add would change interpretation of the code
  • 2
    @retoor you probably mean Malbolge.

    Brainfuck is far from the worst or hardest or weirdest languages.
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    @retoor I had brainfuck interpreter on the Flipper0 but my brain might be too fucked up to learn that... still may be useful ( already installed ) when I finally start to use it for smth else than remote ;)
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    @Lensflare Ah yes! That's it! See the example section of this page for a list of such langs but I think Malbolge is an absolute winner: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/...

    @We3D heh, that flipper thing is cool. Watched a Linus tech tips episode about it. That fucking dolphin logo. Lame overrated nearly real fish from the 60's. Should re-watch, how to create a complete movie on a hero dolphin
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    @horus that link is broken but I got your back: https://examples.perl6.org/categori...
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    @retoor I really like how the emoji face evolves in that example 😆😵
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    @Lensflare terminal applications are beautiful by default. I could femfap the whole day on https://asciinema.org/ stuff
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