
I'd be interested to hear what are some bad development practices you've ran into in your company?

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    A huge, un-modular (?), php file that contains the 90% operations of a web service.
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    Un-modular. I inherited a vb.net application that had all of its code in a timer tick event.
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    @g-m-f what if YOU are the outsourced one? We have some major clients that outsource dev trams
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    Inherited insane wp-multi site with 11 conflicting style sheets full of narcissistic, lazy and selfish !important rules
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    @wintersmith oh god... As someone working woth WP daily it makes me crindge. Hold on and good luck
  • 1
    Had to extract all Messagebox strings from a huge Delphi project once to spell check. Found identical string with typo 233 times. Their idea of code reuse was to copy and paste it as needed. I quit after a month.
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    @wintersmith git for the win
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    @taylan git, got it
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    @taylan filezilla is a ftp client. What does that have to do with git? You're not using that for internal code distribution are you? XD
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    being forced to support PHP 5.2 on a typo3 site that nobody rly knew what went where and almost everything was a typoscript hidden somewhere..
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    SQL in C# like;
    query.AppendLine("SELECT .....");
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