Today in some onboarding meeting i was laughing my ass off.

We were setting up the development machines that we got from the client to work on via citrix.

You guys probably know, that when you put your npm projects too nested into your filesystem, that packages randomly start not behaving because of too long file names or path names and stuff like that. That seems to be a problem with all OS (to be fair i havent actively looked for a solution, but it happened to me on Windis and Linux, so i'm just assuming here)

but even more so for some packages on Windis, when the project is not running on the same fucking drive letter than where your OS is running on. Like... wtf?

Had two UI5 projects pulled, both of them on D:. The first npm install went through flawlessly, the second one has a number of random errors, me and the other dev didn't know what they were. So what i suggested is to move this project onto C: and try it again. Turns out that was exactly it. Et voila, npm install ran through without any hiccups..

  • 9
    Glad you got a laugh out of it. I would’ve been crying
  • 5
    @black-kite he can't cry. He writes even rust for fun
  • 1
    Probably had to do with using non-default shells for the OS.

    CMD is known to choke on long paths. PowerShell shouldn't.

    I've experienced problems too when running msys2 or cygwin.

    Never found issues in Linux tho.
  • 1
    @CoreFusionX yeah we tried on powershell and bash, both had the same issue.

    But i also agree, that sometimes one shell works better than another one, i had that numerous times aswell (funnily enough also with npm related stuff, but on the work pc directly)
  • 1
    Windows has the path length problem, which cannot be fully circumvented.

    A registry setting exists, though that only works for newer APIs - thus the inconsistency whether it works or not.


    Note that WSL is not full Linux.

    Under Linux there are no problems regarding max path length, but NPM is crap tastic.

    The things NPM does wrong far outweigh the things NPM does right.
  • 0
    Ah yes this brings me back. Was the cause of many mysterious issues when I used virtual machines with windows 7.
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