
Currently using a Windows laptop at work and have been given the option for a Mac. Should I make the switch?

  • 4
    YES!!!!!! if needs be you can run windows on it anyway (boot up windows or boot up mac). Fucking do it man.
  • 2
    without waiting for a sec. Go get it
  • 12
    No. Get Linux on your Windows machine.
  • 2
    @Jilano most of my work is on a browser and text editor. And I've never used a Mac before so I don't have a personal preference :P
  • 6
    You should get it. Mac is lovely and has bash built in. Mac is also a certified Unix OS so you will have the power of unix in there. And the apps in app store is great.
  • 3
    Absolutely do it. Even if you install Windows on it, the hardware rocks (great screens, great touchpad, compact device). Which is not the case for most office notebooks.
  • 3
    JUST DO IT!! I would do it without thinking twice.
  • 3
    @Strex me neither, never going back to Windows for either development work or private usage.
  • 0
    @tilde Are you a social media promoter??
  • 0
    XPS is great too
  • 0
    care for Mi Notebook too
  • 0
    I loved XPS too but its price was double here, when it was launched. Now its on correct mark i guess
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    @dontbeevil HP, i5, 8GB, 256GB SSD.
  • 1
    @chiragiem36 I work in cloud support.
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    @dontbeevil its a variant of HP Elitebook 820 G3. Its pretty good. Much better than any other laptop I've owned so far. Lets hope I get the Mac upgrade though :)
  • 5
    Switching from Windows to Mac ✓
    Switching from Linux to Mac ×
  • 2
    I agree with @dontbeevil . That was really big problem at that time for a huge amount of mac users.

    I also heard how Apple fixes software performance problems:
    The advertised battery duration could not nearly get achieved. Everyone was posting images of extremly low ETAs.
    So what did Apple? Instead of fixing the issues, they firstly REMOVED the ETA-Info.

    I had never personally used a Mac. But if I had to choose between Mac & Win I would choose Mac simply because of no M$ and Unix + Bash.
  • 1
    The smooth and responsive scrolling is worth it alone
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    Personally I would try and install Linux on the windows machine, but if you can't, go with the Mac
  • 0
  • 2
    If it's a choice between a good windows laptop (HP Spectre or XPS 15) or Macbook, then I would say choose the windows laptop.

    That being said (and what is most important, despite all the apple fanboys telling you to choose the Mac) it is the operating system you should choose, and not the laptop. Yes you can dual boot windows on a Mac but the hardware is not actually amazing (in comparison with a similarly priced Windows based laptop).

    If you have never used OSX then I would urge you to try before you buy. Personally I cannot stand the OS, and it has many quirks that Windows users will find annoying. That being said, many people like OSX and as you can see by this thread alone seem to devote their entire life to its propagation.

    So in conclusion choose which OS you prefer and ignore all the hype that is generated around either OS.
  • 0
    Uh, Windows is being propagated equally. Apple bashing is real cool for 1337h4x0rs you know.
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    @johndoesnot apple bashing does not equal windows propagation. Most people here prefer Linux I think..
  • 0
    Yes!!! Mac is definitely better for productivity and is more easy to use in my opinion
  • 1
    I would stick with windows, 3 years ago I decided to get a macbook at work I wish I had gone for a thinkpad ... I'll enjoy that I have bash on macOS but other than that I really hate the OS, and you can get bash on windows without hassle nowadays
  • 0
    Do it if only because one can run XCode and develop native iOS on a mac. Parallels is slick for running Windows if one needs VS.
  • 0
    Switching an ugly but cheap botnet to a pretty yet expensive botnet.

    Linux can be ugly, pretty, and even a botnet with the right software. But it costs 0 dollars.
  • 0
    @JohnDoesNot I agree, bashing apple has become just as trendy as bashing trump. It's like it's expected of you before you can be accepted to any social circles.
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