I fucking hate paperwork. I can't switch to the network team for probably 5 more months because it got lost somewhere. I want to put my degree use!! I'm not doing a damn thing with it at the moment 😭😭😭

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    This should be illegal
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    @tahnik sadly, it's not. I mean, I get why the paperwork is important because of what I'll be doing, and 7 months total is fast anyways. But I'm impatient and want to have more of a life than I do now 😂

    It's a more technical team and has a longer on call schedule because there are more people.

    Plus, there needs to be an open position, so it could be longer, even after the paperwork is in. I just hate paperwork, so I usually blame that 😂
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    Yeah, I did paperwork in my first job. Had to do it even though I hated it as I needed experience. Hope your situation gets better 😔 😔
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    @tahnik it likely will. I'm running low on my daily optimism ration..
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    Ugh. Paperwork sucks. My graduation got delayed by 5 months and I got hired at a much lower rate than I should have. Because I missed a form's deadline by a day.
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    @projektaquarius that's bullshit. Wtf.
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    @QueenMorgana you're telling me. One should not have to apply for graduation.
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    @projektaquarius I think it's beyond stupid that we pay so much for school and then have to pay extra just to actually physically receive the piece of paper (pay even if you don't walk)...

    I just realized my diploma/degreee/paper thing should be here soon and I don't remember where I put the holder...
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    Paperwork always sucks, a couple of us needs to figure out a way to get rid of it.

    But as for the degree talk, i remember in the 10th grade me and the high school principal had a long talk on how a degree was just a piece of paper that doesn't prove anything. Its still funny remembering a 15 year old beating a 40 year old in an arguement
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    A degree proves you can interact professionally with others.
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    😭 *hugs Berry tight*
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    @QueenMorgana I bought a frame for my M.S. and hung it up with my graduation picture. One day I will remember to apply for a PhD program, but, you know, paperwork. 😂😅😢😭
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    @runfrodorun that's why I tried to be as vague as possible 😂
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    @projektaquarius my M.S. is next. Going to be slow going because it's only 1 course a term (agreement work has with the school. I can do more but then it's not free). Just need to decide what to study there. I want to take ALL of the classes
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    @linuxxx *hugs back* thank you :) I needed that.
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    I get it, paperwork is important but since writing on paper isn't easy for me everything I can't do digitally gets "procrastinated" (what is the correct english term for that?!) until the last fucking second... I don't know how many times I fucked something up like that.

    I know how much it sucks!

    I know that YOU are going to use your next chance! Until then all I can offer is a virtual hug...
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    @QueenMorgana No not Berry, i meant you of course 😆. Damn autocorrect!
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    @linuxxx I read it as "very"😂
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    @linuxxx if I remember correctly the exact same autocorrect happened once before... am I right?
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    @needToRoll Not that I'm aware of 😅
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