

1. Do you consider yourself a DEVELOPER or a PROGRAMMER?

2. How do you personally define each?

  • 8
    1. Computer developers and programmers work on software and writing, testing, and debugging codes.

    2. Computer developers have more abilities and skills than computer programmers. They do not have any kind of specialization. They can work in many fields of computer software.

    3. Computer developers do a lot of work. This includes analysis, design, implementation, maintenance, documentation, and other related areas.

    4. Computer programmers do have the specialization regarding codes. They write, test, and debug codes, but they don’t do much of anything else.
  • 13
    I identify as both genders.
  • 10
    Simple: I don't give a fuck. Don't waste time with such bullshit and do something better
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    I would say there is a difference; a Programmer just can Programm (Spaghetti code, no clean Code, ..), a developer instead writes unit Tests, maintable Code, thinks of the design, ..
    I would say I'm a developer I was a Programmer back in School
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    @Minion On my way to become a dev!! :P
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    Developer sounds a bit more businesslike, programmer more technical.
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    As for hobby I'm a programmer imo. Mostly backend stuff.

    As for my proffesional life, I'm a linux support engineer so neither of the above really :)
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    What @BindView said.

    I don't like to say I'm a programmer because that's very limiting. My work is not only typing code.
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    oh yeah, im neither, im a professional street nigga
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    Because we needed more arbitrary terms to bicker about!

    How bout this:

    A programmer is one who programs.

    A developer is one who develops.

    I consider myself both.
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    I’m a developer.

    At my office, we define developers to experiment, research and build systems with code, with consideration to the long term impact of said code.

    We also define programmers who simply are employed to churn out code without to much thought. My boss lovingly calls some of my programmers “grunt workers” and “code monkeys”!
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    I identify myself as an Apache Attack helicopter.
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    Honestly this is very stupid, people. Why would you want to create a negative stigma around the term programmer? Programming is awesome and we are all programmers.

    This whole "this term means something good and this term means something bad" is not only childish and immature but damaging to our culture and profession.

    Please stop creating these stupid arbitrary cultural associations for terms that are already well defined and well respected. You should have grown out of this in high school.
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    Negativity is a matter of perspective
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    I don't know in what perspective "code monkey" is an endearing term…
  • 1
    Neither. I am either a computer scientist or a software engineer to my peers and them ninjas better remember that.
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