
Has anyone else noticed a amplification of battery drain..?

Like... You start at 100%. It takes about 30mins to drop to 99%. And to me, it seems that for each % you go down, the next one comes faster. By the time I hit 5%, It's nearly a second counter.

  • 4
    Time to calibrate your battery...
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    If you mean that kill and charge to full, I literally do that weekly. (not on perpous)
  • 1
    @Cyanite Oh, weekly. Not good for the battery. I guess something is wrong with your battery or the thing that checks percentages, because if I fully drain and recharge, my battery usually is fixed if something like this happens.
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    @filthyranter I just clocked the first drain at 32mins to go from 100% to 99%.
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    @filthyranter and 7mins to go to 98%
  • 2
    How old is your battery?
  • 0
    @nin0x03 uh... Two years..?
  • 2
    @siffrein Yeah !!! Battery consumption and charging is not linear . You can notice this while using battery apps in mobiles , where above 90% , the phase is named as Trickle charging .
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    currently my battery voltage is very poor. when reaching 60% my phone looses the SIM module frequently (had to re-enter PIN every time). when reaching 30% this will happen every minute, battery drains in one minute from 30 to 15%. From 15% on the SIM is lost about every 5 seconds, battery drains in a half minute to 5% and then the phone shuts down forcefully (no shutdown procedure) 😑
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    @2erXre5 Time for a new battery
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    All I know that once my battery hits 10%, I've got like 30 seconds till it dies.
  • 1
    Ah yeah these bitcoin mining scripts are draining batteries all over the world.
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    Haha, if only. XD
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