
Update on my OneDrive story from a bit back:
(this first part happened a while ago but I forgot making a post)
So I was still having problems with my OneDrive since the email from customer support didn't help at all. I replied saying that their advice wasn't helpful in any way and that I, as an IT student, am familiar with how to delete files. I got another reply.
Great right.
But what did this email say?
It basically explained me how to upload files and stuff and how the sync system works and such. One thing that was in there that might have worked was resetting the 'app', the thing is I wasn't using their windows 10 desktop app but something that I got when installing my windows.
Needless to say, I replied again, saying that I had hope in their app solution but that I (as I stated in a previous email) use a different application so it was all useless.

It is actually a technical solution (or so it seems). You must be thinking "wow, he finally got trough the shitty first line support" I know right?! and it feels good.
Well, the 'technical' solution is basically uninstalling onedrive trough cmd prompt and then reinstalling it from the website.
The folder remains in the browser client of OneDrive but I'm going to learn to live with it.
At least my sync issue is gone.
That only took like 3 months and ended with a very silly solution that is way too straightforward causing me not to think about it :p
Thanks for the read.

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    This goes to show how good OneDrive support is. The solution didn't work because it updated the engine (as they said it would) but because it gave me the option to not sync the folder that was causing the errors.
    Thanks Microsoft
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