
In computing class - Teacher asks for disadvantages of open source.

"It may end up like Linux..." <I stopped listening after that>

  • 9
    Maybe he meant it ended up being used everywhere and people not even knowing about it?
  • 4
    Clustered, unstable and without a proper core? Yeah, id stop listening too.
  • 26

    If it's important, chances are it's running on linux.

    Microsoft's servers run linux.
    apple.com runs on linux.
    Windows 10 has a linux subsystem.
    OSX has a unix core.

    Say all you want about it, but in the competition between Windows, Linux, and MacOS, there's a pretty clear victor.
  • 2
    They both have vulnerabilities. From an offensive point of view, use whatever you want, there's a weakness in everything.
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    If linux was closed source it probably wouldn't have been accepted by the gnu community
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    But Linux will never notice you.
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    If it’s important, it’s running BSD
  • 2
    @Wallpaper Both vulnerabilities: true. But from my own penetrating experience, it's *slightly* harder to crack a box which runs fedora with SELinux enabled than any windows box!
  • 0
    Well at least your teacher knows what linux is. Or anything outside of a (pre-configured by someone) .NET framework :(
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    @linuxxx What if I told you my company has its Windows Servers locked down better than the Linux ones? 😂
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    @ChainsawBaby Just the facts 🤣
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